Agile Leadership #6 - Minimum Business Increment Template
This Agile Leadership Tip provides a template for last week’s lesson on designing an MBI or Minimum Business Increment.
Organizations will usually have more than one MBI template due to variations in regulatory requirements, hardware requirements, etc.
MBI Template
MBI Description _________________________
Benefit Statement
- The anticipated benefit of this MBI
- How will we evaluate whether we achieve this?
Initiative This Came From _________________________
Customer Identification
- The target market for this
- Who are you building this MBI for?
- Do they have another customer this is for?
- Use cases that describe the value
- What’s needed to meet the organization’s definition of done?
Architectural Issues
- Are there any system or application architectural issues to be explored?
- Has the business architect signed off on this?
- What help from architecture will be needed
Release / Realization Considerations
- Development team(s)
- User experience
- Documentation
- Marketing
- Support
- Shared services
Operations Considerations
- Who will be involved?
- When do they need to get involved?
Validate MBI Size
- Is there any subset of the MBI that can be delivered sooner? Consider geography, market segments, language, anything else you can think of.
- Is the MBI larger than it needs to be because of deployment issues?
Other Considerations
- Are there any risks associated with not completing this MBI?
- Are there other MBIs dependent upon completing this one?
- Have we considered the cost of delay?
This week or before your next Sprint planning meeting, gather your Team for one hour (only) and complete the MBI Template for one MBI you can do.
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